The Conversations We Don’t Have

<p>What will people say? This is one of the most often expressed questions when we reflect on some topics and our view towards them. Those topics that people generally do not want to express a public opinion on but have no issues chatting about with the people they are most comfortable with.</p> <p>We do not express our thoughts publicly on some of these topics because our view may very well be different from the generally accepted opinion, whether that opinion is based on fact or driven by herd mentality. Many will not discuss these things publicly because their views could either be too polarising, uncomfortable, or even incendiary.</p> <p>You could probably come up with a very long list of topics, and so can I, but for this article, I will pick some random ones and just share some quick thoughts:</p> <p><strong>Polygamy:</strong>&nbsp;In many parts of Africa, polygamy has been practised for many centuries. It is recognised and accepted but nowadays, it seems like polygamy is reserved for traditional rulers and people who live in rural areas. Not many people who live in urban areas practice polygamy or appear to welcome it, at least not publicly. However, many of these people would probably welcome a second wife if they didn&rsquo;t consider what people would say. Some women would also not mind being second wives. In Nigeria, our laws accommodate marrying more than one wife but one can only do so through customary marriage. Is polygamy a wrong practice or are we just toeing the beliefs of the Western world?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>