How do you find the confidence to stand up to employees that work under you who undermine your authority and think they know better than you because they have been there longer than you?

<p>I was asked this question recently.</p> <p>Of course, if I were coaching this person, I would be able to have a discussion with them to really understand their own personal struggles creating this problem.</p> <p>In this article I give you my gut instinct on what I think the real problem is and a powerful tool that you can start using straight away to deal with the problem.</p> <p>Being in this situation can quite easily make you feel powerless because how other people behave is completely out of your control. There are two ways you can look at this:</p> <p>1. You can blame them for making you feel a certain way. You can allow their behaviour to effect your emotions, self belief and confidence and give away all your power to them.</p> <p>2. You can seek out what you &lsquo;do&rsquo; have control over and change that. The only thing you truly have full control over is yourself &mdash; how you think, feel, act, behave and respond.</p> <p>Other people can only effect your emotional state if you allow them to. This is what you need to remember, just because they are behaving in this way, it doesn&rsquo;t mean anything.</p> <p>This is what you can do &mdash; you can make it all about you and use it as evidence that you aren&rsquo;t good enough for the job. Actually, when people behave like this it&rsquo;s usually to do with their own insecurities that they are projecting onto you.&nbsp;<strong><em>This is an important one to remember.</em></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>