How To Get Your Clothes To Fit Better

<p>Why is it that you rarely find clothes that fit you well? Unless you are what&rsquo;s termed a &lsquo;clothes horse&rsquo; with a standard size and dimensional body (a person who loves clothes and generally looks great without effort) then, like almost everyone, you will have variations in your body shape and measurements which are not standard. And thank heavens for that, it celebrates our uniqueness!</p> <p>We are not all the same and one size does not fit all. The economic limitations of making &lsquo;off the rack&rsquo; garments for retail sale require manufacturers to produce &lsquo;standard&rsquo; sizes, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL etc. These generic sizes are based on &lsquo;dress sizes&rsquo; for women and chest and inside leg measurements for men.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Clothes Fit