The brand bringing TECHNOIR to life

<p>Anew brand thought to originate in LA,&nbsp;<strong>California</strong>&nbsp;is named after the father of crypto currency&nbsp;<strong><em>bitcoin</em></strong>.<strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong>The anonymous individual who is credited with creating Bitcoin (BTC), the world&rsquo;s first cryptocurrency.</p> <p>In February 2009, the person known as &ldquo;Nakamoto&rdquo; created the first ever online message board post dedicated to cryptocurrency, on the P2P Foundation forum. He stated, &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve developed a new open source P2P e-cash system called Bitcoin. It&rsquo;s completely decentralised, with no central server or trusted parties, because everything is based on crypto proof instead of trust. Give it a try, or take a look at the screenshots and design paper.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Brand Bringing