So this is who’s dirtying the bird bath!

<p>Those of us who regularly feed our garden birds are acutely aware of the importance of offering garden visitors clean and fresh water. To that end, we all keep a close eye on birdbaths that all too often become polluted with leaves and other autumnal detritus at this time of year. So we could do without the involvement of one of the garden&rsquo;s largest and most intelligent visitors, the magpies, doing their best to dirty the water even more!</p> <p>Magpies visit the garden frequently regardless of the time of year, but as the nights get longer and the food supply begins to dry up, they spend more and more time visiting the bird table and rummaging around on the floor to see what they can find to eat. Being omnivorous, the choice on offer is many and varied, but it is when they find foods that are stale and dry that their intelligence is put to good use.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bird Bath