Baby Steps on the Journey to Courage

<p>Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your courage grow?</p> <p>With trembles and shakes and quavering voice&hellip;and lots of little baby steps.</p> <p>No, that&rsquo;s not quite the fanciful &lsquo;with cockle shells and silver bells&rsquo; answer from the childhood nursery rhyme that I was taught. My apologies to Mary Quite Contrary for tweaking her well-known answer to suit my own needs. My own real-life answer is one that answers the question about how we find the courage to expand our horizons and move outside of our comfort zone.</p> <p>Some people make this journey look easy and effortless. They seem to thrive in the spotlight, working with people and trying new things. It appears that they glide through life, not wavering when they encounter challenges. At times they turn me green with envy.</p> <p>Then, there are the others. The people like me. The ones that panic when life forces us too close to the edge of the unknown or unfamiliar. And as much as I&rsquo;ve grown through the years and have taken many small steps that pushed the edges of my zone further away than ever, some things still sneak in and wobble my new confidence. Such as meeting my new boss a few years back. Three restless semi-sleepless nights preceded the meeting, showing me that this journey in courage is a continuous one. I doubt we ever reach the place called &lsquo;The End&rsquo; where there is nothing more to learn.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>