Against Linked Open Data

<p><em>It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an organization in possession of good Data, must want it Open (and indeed, Linked).</em></p> <p>Well, I call bullshit. Most cultural heritage organizations (like most organizations) are terrible at data. And most of those who are good at collecting it, very rarely use it effectively or strategically. Why then, this fetishization of Linked Open Data (LOD) for collections when just getting good Data is a struggle for most cultural orgs. At the very least, it&rsquo;s the wrong way around. Data (yes!), Open (if you explain how to access it and keep it up to date) and Linked (only in very rare circumstance, when there is a clear ROI*). If your institution isn&rsquo;t using the Linked Data, and it&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>your Data,</em>&nbsp;why would outsiders be interested?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Against linked