Tag: Zionism

Why the West is Supporting Israel and Zionism?

The region accounts for the bulk of the world’s oil and natural gas reserves, which is the engine of the modern economy. Since they get a good profit margin, the West figured out how to recycle the returns from the producing countries back into its economy and corporate profits. War is busines...

What is Muslim Zionism?

In attempting to describe the current phenomenon of Muslims who are dashing headfirst toward normalization efforts with Israel, the term Muslim Zionism is appropriate for it and must be introduced. I was hesitant and thought about using Islamic Zionism but opted for Muslim Zionism instead, so as not...

A Rosh Hashanah Reflection on Zionism

Some time in the 16th or 17th centuries a legend developed about one of the greatest Rabbis in Jewish history, the Maharal of Prague, Judah Loew ben Bezalel (Hebrew: יהודה ליווא בן בצלאל; between 1512 and 1526–17 September 1609). The tale, which is well known, tells ...

Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Judaism, Nor Anti-Semitic: What Is Anti-Zionism? What is Zionism?

As Brother Rick recently said, “Looking at our people and our situations and circumstances I say we are comatose; alive but barely functioning. We are brainwashed and definitely conditioned to respond to both preprogrammed and new stimuli and messaging by our enemies who forced us to internali...

On Birthrights, B’nei Mitzvah, and Zionism in Judaism

In the quiet fall of 2003, I was born a beautiful and healthy baby into a bustling Reform Jewish community in Southern California. I was raised sitting in the front rows of my synagogue, swaying my small body with the lively guitar and piano renditions of time-honored prayers and songs. I was the qu...