Tag: youth

Toronto’s 2023 By-Election: Implications for the city’s youth

Chow won. Now what? Olivia Chow is the first Person of Colour to be elected Mayor of Toronto. She is inheriting an affordability crisis, public safety concerns and a large budget shortfall. She will also have the controversial Strong Mayor Powers, but has suggested that she will not make u...

Reading Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age, you can laugh about the antics of our youth, curse about the…

The process of self-exploration is fundamental for Crow’s Feet writers, and we welcome beginners and the experienced. However, as a publication editor chosen to be part of Medium’s Boost pilot program, I have the privilege of nominating five stories for wider distribution each week. Medi...

What initiatives has Germany taken to support Muslim youth?

Germany has been actively implementing various measures to provide support and assistance to the Muslim youth population residing within its borders, with the aim of facilitating their seamless integration into German society. These initiatives have been put in place to ensure that the youth belongi...

Transgender Youth and Puberty Blockers: Cutting Through the Controversy

There is perhaps no aspect of gender-affirming care that garners more attention than the use of puberty blockers. They are described as ‘experimental’ and ‘controversial’ by those opposed to their use. They’ve been banned in several U.S. states, and their use&nbsp...

Youth Activism and the #NeverAgain Movement

At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, many students touched by the mass shooting that left 17 dead and at least 14 wounded have mobilized to call for changes to gun policy on a scale seen as unprecedented by many who have covered the aftermath of these tragedies for years. So...

Respecting the Past, Preparing for the Future: American Indian Youth Education

The University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) is focused on improving the lives of children, families, and communities by forging research-driven solutions to complex problems. These solutions come from our brightest minds and from decades of real-world experi...

The Age-Old Quest for Eternal Youth

Both Elon Musk and Bryan Johnson are known for their bold, innovative approaches to pushing technological and scientific boundaries. However, the two futurists find themselves at odds over one pursuit in particular — the quest for defeat aging and prolonging the human lifespan. As the deba...

The Fountain of Youth Symphony

In the relentless pursuit of longevity, scientists have embarked on a remarkable journey into the intricate world of cellular rejuvenation. At the heart of this exploration is the quest to understand and manipulate the cellular processes that contribute to aging. Imagine a future where we can ...

Youth Engagement in Cultural Preservation: Uniting Past and Future

Embracing Modernization and Cultural Heritage Preservation: A notable observation during our visit to Changsha and Nanjing was the successful coexistence of modernization and the preservation of cultural heritage. It became evident that other countries, including my own, the Philippines, can lear...

The Impact of Media and Advertising on Beauty Standards of Facial and Body Features and Its Effect on Youth

Influence of Media and Advertising on Beauty Standards: • Media outlets, including magazines, television, social media, and advertisements, often promote narrow and unrealistic standards of beauty. • Images of flawless facial features and perfectly sculpted bodies inundate these plat...

What Happens To Our Face When We Age?

Change How You Age For centuries, people have been concerned about gaining. We are always searching for the next “fountain of youth” or a new way to reverse aging. Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we cannot do anything about; others we can influence. Natural...

Changing Tides: The Rise of English over French Among Morocco's Youth

There's an intriguing shift happening in the Kingdom of Morocco. A new linguistic trend is emerging among the younger generation, and English is gaining ground, replacing French as their preferred second language. This significant change in language preference among young people in Morocco signi...