Tag: WSL

Superquick deployment of Elasticsearch using WSL+Docker Desktop

ELK stack is a popular choice for most people who are trying to learn and get their hands dirty in security operations or either someone in a small-medium enterprise who is looking for a one-stop solution for log aggregation, application performance monitoring or general security needs. There are...

WSL — Why I Switched To Linux

Programming in Windows is okay at most. I guess the majority of you would agree that developer experience in Linux is better. However, the transition to Linux can be quite annoying. When I say annoying, I really mean it. I’ve run into a couple of odd troubles myself: Not being able to...

Configuration of WSL in a Domain Environment

Introduction Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a powerful tool that allows Windows users to run a Linux distribution alongside their Windows operating system. It provides a seamless integration of Linux utilities and tools within the Windows environment. While WSL is primarily used for develop...

Getting Started with Windows Sub System for Linux (WSL)-Installation & Command Line

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is a feature in Windows that enables you to run a Linux environment directly within Windows. WSL offers a way to bridge the gap between Windows and Linux environments, providing developers and users with the flexibility to leverage the strengths of both operating sy...

Comprehensive Guide to ssh-agent on Windows and WSL

I want my ssh environment on my Windows workstation setup in a way, that on the first run of a ssh command, I only need to enter my ssh private key passphrase once, so that it gets “saved” for the current session until i lock or reboot my workstation. As a bonus on top, I would like the...