Tag: writings

Programming writings

Programming an article is like writing an essay, but it is closer to writing fiction. You need a strong background in the nonfiction you’re using, a-politicized to make sure it doesn’t interfere in your double spacing algorithm or comma algorithm. Programming articles is used for addi...

Old Sanskrit Writings…It seems impossible, but lost technology is Obvious

In the rich tapestry of Sanskrit literature and during the Vedic period in ancient India, a diverse array of themes and subjects were explored, reflecting the intellectual and spiritual depth of the civilization. This period was characterized by a profound transition from primarily religious content...

2024, Please Don’t Kill My Friends

This is my very first blog ever and my first writing on Medium. I have announced for almost a year to my loved ones that I wanted to start writing, heeding their lifelong nudges. One special friend, also chosen family, even responded by asking my favorite color and sent me a 2–pack of satisfyi...