Tag: Wounds

Deep Time Heals all Wounds

Layers of religions new ones on top of old ones Reform Judaism Orthodox Judasim Earth Based Judaism Mystical Judaism Goddess Worship Spirituality. Read More

Our Wounds Will Heal

Justice finally arrived for Gabriel Fernandez, a murdered 8-old-year old boy, when Judge George Lomeli of the Los Angeles County Superior Court denied the murderer’s petition in a swift, fifteen-minute hearing on June 1. This denial brought closure to an 8-year saga racked with jarring uncerta...

Through Wounds and Death: About Medical Museums (Article Reshared)

I was approached by someone (John Charles in this case) on Twitter last year. It was a platform called Mainly Museums, where people submit posts about museums around the world. John invited me to write something about anything, and I agreed. The next thing I knew was that my work load suddenly ex...