Tag: workshops

How to lead engaging group discussions in workshops and meetings

Group discussions can go either way: they can be very fruitful and spark new ideas. They can also end in a complete mess or leave us with a feeling of having wasted our time. How can we make sure that we are having more fruitful conversations? I want to share some tips and strategies for leading ...

Designing Design Workshops: Knowing your audience

(I started writing this article prior to the pandemic and took the time to pause and to reflect about previous workshops I’ve attended or facilitated. Of course, I do not endorse in-person gatherings of any kind at this moment time. Stay virtual, people!) Recently, I’ve found myself b...

What you’re not learning in your Diversity & Inclusion workshops: The Basics

There’s a dangerous trend happening in the world of “progressives” and Diversity & Inclusion. People are learning what to say and what not to say, without understanding the actual meaning behind their words. People are memorizing formulas, rather than learning how to analy...

Why Blacks Aren’t Ready to Come Together…Yet

I am all about turning us and them into we. I facilitate workshops on effectively working across differences and use #GettingToWe for my social media posts. I lead a Getting to We online community of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging practitioners who have meaningful, enlightened...