Tag: Workflow

Revolutionizing Your Workflow with AI: The Future of Task-Specific Models

In the ever-evolving world of technology, one trend that has been consistently making headlines is Artificial Intelligence (AI). As we step into 2023, AI continues to transform industries, streamline processes, and reduce human error. But what if I told you that the future of AI is about to get even...

Create/update Databricks workflow Dynamically.

Introduction We will be discussing how we can dynamically create/update/delete Databricks workflow using Databricks REST API and user specified configuration file.Below is snippet of configuration yaml file, using this configuration we have to create workflows and jobs. For this sample con...

Simplify Your Development Workflow with VSCode’s preLaunchTask in launch.json

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) known for its extensive features and customization options. One of its powerful functionalities is the launch.json configuration file, which allows developers to streamline their debugging process. Among its ...

Kubernetes Game Changer: Turbocharge Development Workflow Now!

Title: Revolutionize Your Development Workflow with Kubernetes: Unleash Your True Potential Today! Introduction: In today’s fast-evolving digital age, it is imperative for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. To achieve success, companies must embrace cutting-edge technologies that enh...

12 Must-Have macOS Productivity Apps to Boost Your Daily Workflow

It’s important to maximize productivity in the fast-paced digital world of today. Fortunately, macOS has a wide range of potent tools that can speed up your productivity and enable you to complete jobs more quickly. These 12 essential macOS productivity apps are created to improve daily use an...

AI in Law: The Ethics Dilemma & Your New Workflow Wingman

As we continue to watch AI uptake skyrocket to new heights, and as the news evolves at warp speed, it’s crucial for us to stay laser-focused on how these advancements can benefit our personal and professional lives, while upholding ethical and moral standards. Microsoft, in a surprising-not...