Tag: Wisdoms

10 Terrible “Wisdoms” About Love — and How to Counter Them

Happy ever after, anyone? Where would romance be without a good cliché? Love was built on clichés, those timeless “wisdoms” passed down through the ages — and had life breathed into them by social media. I get it. Clichés are catchy. They sell. There&r...

The Timeless Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius: Lessons on Living a Good Life

The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius is known for his philosophical musings in his work Meditations. Written in the second century AD, this Stoic text provides timeless guidance on how to live a good life. Though Aurelius wrote this mainly for himself, his insightful aphorisms contain universal truths ...

Echoes of the Orient: A Gentleman’s Exploration of Eastern Philosophies and Their Timeless Wisdom

As I sit cross-legged in the sanctum of my ornate study, surrounded by ancient scrolls and fragrant incense, the wisdom of the East beckons with an allure that is both enigmatic and enlightening. Join me, dear readers, as we embark upon a journey into the heart of the Orient, where philosophies are ...

Islamic Wisdom: Haya: More Than Just Modesty

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. People always strive to find happiness and tranquility in their lives. Islam contains a good moral code of living. Haya’ (or Al-Haya’) is a key constituent of this code. Modesty is a widely used ter...

When Conventional Wisdom Fails: Revisiting Data Augmentation for Self-Driving Cars

The original paper showed that cutout can significantly improve accuracy for vision applications. Because of this, I was surprised that when I applied it to our data, our detection mmAP decreased. I searched our data pipeline for the problem and found something even more surprising: all of the ...

Working with Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom

Why work with Athena? Athena is known by many names such as Minerva, Pallas Athene or Parthenos Athene — which translates to “virgin Athena” — reflecting her strong connection to independence and strength of character. As such, she can provide invaluable spiritual advice r...