Tag: Wild

New ‘Weird’ Wild Card In Midjourney

A Perfectly Flawed Dilemma OK, let’s clear the air. The conversation around generative AI, especially platforms like Midjourney, has reached a familiar echo chamber: The AI is too perfect, too sterile, and lacking a human touch, etc. And the emotional nuance and unpredictability that often ...

Making Wild Images With Stable Diffusion

Since my last post, I’ve been indulging in generating thousands and thousands of Stable Diffusion images while playing around with the wildcard extension coupled with the X/Y/Z plot script. I had started this journey in a previous post: The X/Y Plot to Eliminate Some Stable Diffusion AI Art...

The Wild Street Art of Dunedin, New Zealand

Dunedin is a chilly, windy, rainy city, and its historic buildings are mostly made of grey granite stone. It’s aptly known and the “Edinburgh of the South.” Indeed, many Scots have settled in this part of New Zealand, drawn perhaps by the green hills, wild seas, plentitude of sheep...

Art on Wild Montana Streets

When I first heard that the August monthly challenge for Globetrotters is Street Art, I thought I’d have nothing to offer. After all, I live in the wilds of Montana, where there’s no street art or graffiti of any kind. But is that statement true? As I began to look thro...

The Top 5 Deadliest Gunslingers of the Wild West

The Wild West was a time of lawlessness and violence, where gunslingers ruled the land, and justice was often served at the end of a pistol. From shootouts in saloons to showdowns on dusty streets, the gunslingers of the Wild West were a force to be reckoned with. Here are the top 5 deadliest gunsli...

The Space Between Spaces: Breath of the Wild and Shadow of the Colossus

A few weeks ago, I went out and bought the Shadow of the Colossus remake for the PS4. It’s still a great game, with nothing out there quite like it in tone or scale. That’s not to say that it did not inspire other stuff: namely, I’ve been thinking a lot about Shadow ...

Wild Wadi Waterpark Tickets: Exploring the Perfect Blend of Relaxation and Entertainment

Are you seeking an escape from the scorching summer heat? Look no further than Wild Wadi Waterpark! With its thrilling rides, refreshing pools, and captivating ambiance, this waterpark is the ultimate destination for relaxation and entertainment. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience...

Let’s Have A Wild Tyme!

Before we head off into the English countryside with our roof down, we decided to swing by a coy little cafe tucked away in Shepherds Bush. Diners have the options of dining alfresco out in the crispy morning air with the sun gently playing on your backs or within the bustling cafe interior f...

A Wild Night Out and an Unusual Assignment

William sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his temples. Trying to ease the pounding in his head. “Drinking on a Monday night was a bad idea” he thought. He had spent the night before at Isy’s Supper Club. In 1974 it was a club still holding on to its symbol of a Rat Pack, American...

wild week 07/2023

It feels like yesterday when our whole team gathered in Vienna for our first wild week of the year. Six months have passed and we met again, but this time, we also had the opportunity to celebrate our 10th anniversary with the whole team. We started the week with a BBQ in our office garden, ...


The Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary isn’t just a getaway from our busy city lives, its an emotion altogether. This silent forest is home to some of the most elusive and beautiful forest birds for which I planned a visit in June 2019, a season which is not at all pleasant to bird in, but still a few...

Spotless All-Brown Baby Giraffe Spotted In The Wild In Namibia

Only a few weeks ago, officials at Brights Zoo in Limestone, Tennessee, announced the birth of a spotless giraffe calf on July 31. That captive-born giraffe was later given the name Kipekee (key pahy KAHY), which means “unique” in Swahili, after a public vote. Kipekee is a reticulated gi...

Whispers of the Wild: The Importance of Protecting Our Planet

In a world bustling with the relentless hum of modernity, there remains a sanctuary where life flourishes in its purest, most wondrous form. It’s a place where ancient trees stretch their limbs towards the sky, where rivers carve their paths with unwavering purpose, and where creatures both gr...

Wild Whispers: A Spiritual Journey In Yosemite Valley

November arrived, and it was time for the maiden camping voyage to Yosemite National Park, where I would spend two nights camping alone. I filled the entire back of my Subaru Outback with gear and worked for two days straight, preparing to leave. My mind whirled with all the possible things that cou...

By ‘helping’ wild animals, you could end their freedom or even their lives — here’s why you should keep your distance

For anyone who enjoys nature, summer is a fascinating time to be outside. Animals are on the move: Turtles are nesting, baby birds are testing their wings, snakes are foraging and young mammals are emerging. In central Pennsylvania, where I live, last year’s hatchling painted turtles have o...

15 Most Famous Wild Animals of Australia

Australia is home to a variety of animals and plants. Some of the most iconic animals we have here are the kangaroo and koala in addition to the echidna, platypus, dingo, wallaby and wombat. The list of well-known wild animals of Australia The Cane Toad Source: National Geographic Kids ...

Write For Simply Wild (Submission Guidelines)

Welcome to this new publication dedicated to stories about wildlife and wilderness. Our purpose is to raise awareness for wildlife by inspiring our readers. Our goal is to curate a collection of stories that are beautiful, inspiring and informative. Website

Elephant: “Holiday in the Wild”

When I started educating myself about animal welfare issues, I also learned about the illegal wildlife trade. This issue can mean different things to different professionals. Conservationists are concerned about the ecosystem, veterinarians worry about the physical and psychological health of affect...

Harmony with the Wild: A Journey Through the Wild Tapestry

“In the symphony of existence, let our footsteps be harmonized with the wild. Beyond the bars, our commitment echoes—a promise to advocate, preserve, and stand as stewards for the untamed beauty that graces our Earth." - Masibwrites Objectives: Raise Awareness: Illuminate the ...

Wild Washington Lessons for Educators

Our curriculum will incorporate disciplines ranging from math and science to art and literature. Lessons will align with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s state and national environmental and sustainability learning standards. Distance learning is an exciting op...

Disability in the Wild

When I was in fifth or sixth grade, I remember going to the library to look for books about neurology. I walked away with a dozen textbooks that I know were way beyond my comprehension. But I began to read through them undeterred, convinced I could find a solution that no doctor had been able to fin...

Book: Wild Mind, Wild Earth

I ended my year with one final book: Wild Mind, Wild Earth by David Hinton. It is an argument that in order to save Planet Earth from the ongoing Sixth Extinction, it must be returned to a state of wildness, and in order to do that, we humans must ourselves return to a state of wildness th...

What a Stunning Wild Cat!

The Bengal tiger’s unique color variation is responsible for its stunning beauty! An estimated number of only 30 golden tigers currently exist in the wild. Therefore they are on the critically endangered list by IUCN. Perhaps you’re familiar with the terms strawberry tigers and gol...

Wild Wonder: Madja-as Park in Culasi, Antique Revealed

Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Culasi, Antique, Madja-as Park beckons adventurers and nature lovers alike to immerse themselves in its tranquil beauty. As one of the region’s best-kept secrets, this hidden gem offers a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life, inviting visit...

Wild Hair Growth Oil Review — Does it Help Hair?

This review is based on my first hand experience of using the Wild Hair Growth Oil for 6 months and my feedback and review on what has worked for me, and what has not. This article was last updated on April 5th 2024 to make sure all data is up to date — with any new in...

Wild Steelhead Trout Dugléré

Last weekend I took home an incredible eight-pound wild steelhead trout caught by the local Quinault Indian tribe on the Quinault River and was looking for inspiration in how to cook it. It was a rather large fish for my family of three, so I decided to try a few variations. I combed through old coo...