Tag: WET

WET — How it works?

WET, or World Estate Token, introduces a groundbreaking system that transforms real estate into an inclusive global opportunity. Let’s demystify the workings behind this innovative platform and explore how it empowers small investors in the world of real estate. 1. Company Ownership and Tok...

WET Unveiled: Exploring use cases through Alex’s real estate journey

Meet Alex, a real estate enthusiast with limited resources exploring the WET platform. Alex discovers a breathtaking high-rise penthouse and realizes WET offers a chance to own a fraction of this opulent property for as little as $50. Excited about the prospect, Alex invests the initial $50,...

Part 4. Hindu and Buddhist Wet Dreams:

Within A History of Celibacy, we find Indian wrestlers, pahalwans, who practice celibacy, brahmacharya, “the way to God”, because they need to store up semen and its other version, milk, in order to stay beautiful and strong. There is the notion in India that storing up se...

Mandarin Mountain — Tossing Wet Sand onto Dry Land

This is a memorisation technique I fell into and found myself using, and after a while I began consciously doing it in different ways. Back to my beloved analogy of Retention Island… The aim, I am sure you can imagine, is to grow my Mandarin Island as efficiently as possible — to ...