Tag: Watcher

The Clock Watcher

Every morning I walk from my house to the village to buy bread. It’s become a habit more than a necessity, as I rarely get through a whole loaf in a day. Leaving me at the end of the week with a tray of stale bread that I give to the birds. Or grind down to make breadcrumbs for schnitzel ...

The Clock Watcher

Every morning I walk from my house to the village to buy bread. It’s become a habit more than a necessity, as I rarely get through a whole loaf in a day. Leaving me at the end of the week with a tray of stale bread that I give to the birds. Or grind down to make breadcrumbs for schnitzel ...

Diary of A Bird Watcher Daily Log #3

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. Unfortunately, today I won’t be able to go out birding. However, I didn’t want to leave you completely without something related to this fascinating hobby. Below I will share with you a few more YouTube channels that specialize in live cameras...