Tag: Want

You can Be whatever you Want to Be

If you’re reading this and think I’m wrong. Society has succeeded in its demolition operation. Taking everything and leaving you nothing. Taking away your ability to dream and wonder. Sucking out all your individuality, turning it into an innocuous moving force. Taking away what mak...

I Want To Be A Cloud

For so long, I yearned to be a star, one of the stars shining up high in the sky when it’s dark and cold all around, spreading light and warmth in my proximity and twinkling all through the night till morning rays of the sun devour me, my shine lost somewhere in between the sun’s ra...

Tell me what you really want

In 1987, I found myself perched on the edge of young personhood, a tender 13 years old. It was an era that promised to mold me, a time brimming with challenges and an unquenchable thirst to fathom my life’s purpose. Against the backdrop of this transformative year, the global stage unfurled a ...