Tag: Wandering

Lafcadio Hearn aka Koizumi Yakumo: We are Wandering Ghosts

After graduating from university, I worked for a travel agency, and I am now a travel writer. So, of course, I travel a lot, and I can no longer imagine a career or life without traveling. Many people around me are also travellers, and I believe that for some people, traveling is a necessity. Som...

A Few Thoughts on Travel

Sometimes, I hate travel. I hate it when I miss the train, I hate it when trains cancel on me TWICE, I hate it when I go to a restaurant and realize that it’s overpriced, I hate the exhausting feeling of carrying my stuff on my back while wandering around the city. But travel has its perks,...

Have you tried wandering in Chinese to learn Chinese?

In Chinese, the word for wandering around leisurely or aimlessly is 晃蕩 (huàngdang), which also means swaying/swinging. This term can describe physical swaying, as well as metaphorical wandering without a clear purpose or direction. Let’s break it down! 晃 (huàng)...