Tag: Vulnerability

How to resolve SMB Signing not required Vulnerability

The Purpose of this article is to share a quick way to resolve a vulnerability named SMB Signing not required .In most of the cases , when information security team performs a vulnerability assessment than the system admins runs windows update manually or deploy them via most commonly used...

The Battle of the OS: Windows vs. Linux in Virus Vulnerability

Operating systems (OS) are the core software that run on computers, smartphones, and other devices. They provide the interface between the hardware and the applications, as well as manage the resources, security, and performance of the system. However, operating systems are not immune to cyberattack...

Why I’m still a Christian

In an attempt to honor these folks’ vulnerability, I thought it’d be worthwhile to share a bit of my own story. It should be noted at the outset that what follows is not my “testimony” — at least not in the cringey, churchy sense of the word. Nor is it an “a...

A girl who was afraid to be

In a world that prizes perfection, she felt like a sin, A soul trapped in a body, where shame did spin. Her reflection in the mirror, a face so thin, She saw a stranger, not the beauty within. Her heart raced as she hid behind a mask- A shield of makeup, a disguise to ask. For love and accep...