Tag: Voters

Facing The Voters

As my wife and I pulled into the parking lot of Birmingham Charter High School, we were impressed by the number of cars already present. It was a Saturday night on the first day of Thanksgiving break and spots were already scarce. Civil engagement may not be dead after all. It turned out mos...

Young Voters & Women Will Determine 2024 Presidential Victor!

The US is at the point of significant polarization and division, which has probably not been seen, at least since the American Civil War! With the exception of the 2020 election, many voters have failed to exercise their right-to-vote, and many things, polls indicate, the majority desires, seem to b...

Are American Voters Workers or Consumers?

Right now, the United Auto Workers are on strike, targeting a small number of auto plants in an attempt to get a pay raise and other concessions from management. Joe Biden is planning to walk the picket line with the striking workers, a first for a sitting president. The pundits, of cou...

Managing Soft Support Voters

Seventy-eight million Americans are key to the USA’s post-2024 election. But reaching 2020’s non-voters requires a different understanding of how elections really work. Over the course of about 10 Medium articles, I have tried to educate political writers on Medium on the nature of el...

Empowering Voters Worldwide to Re-Invent Faltering Democracies, Starting with the U.S.

For the first time in history, a majority of the elected U.S. House of Representatives members voted to remove the Speaker of the House from his position. Their October 4, 2023 decision paralyzes this key federal legislative body so that it cannot pass laws. In all likelihood, the constituents of...

Nonbinary Voters

This morning, I read a couple of articles that reminded me what it feels like to be forced into one of two boxes, when I have explicitly chosen neither. I got angry (again). Then I remembered that 1) I have a blog that could use some attention and 2) I have treated others the same way out of sheer i...

Are Black Voters Supporting A Racist Candidate?

There have been reports in the news that more Black voters than ever will be voting for Trump in the Republican primary election when it happens. Although Trump has come out with racist comments from time to time, his opponent Nikki Haley has said that the United States is not a racist country and n...

AAPI Voters See Through GOP Red-Baiting

A new poll released on Wednesday conducted by the National AAPI Power Fund shows most potential 2024 voters in battleground states believe that politicians’ use of anti-China rhetoric was responsible for the previous spike in violence toward Asian Americans. “Voters are seeing through...

Black Voters’ Dangerous Dance with Trump 2.0

Word to Black voters seduced by Trump — he thinks you come from sh — thole nations, is itching to deport you, and believes Black men are wild criminals who deserve the death penalty. This past weekend during a campaign appearance, Trump proclaimed that immigrants, specifically ...