Tag: Volunteer

Finding the Volunteer Inside

This is the word that I would use to describe everything that the staff and volunteers at Guandu Nature Park 關渡自然公園 do. There’s really no other word to best fits their service and level of expertise, from how they handle each visitor walking through the automatic doors at...

I Paid to Volunteer and it Was a Sham

Ever since I first started backpacking almost two decades ago, I’ve had a passion for volunteering with animals while travelling. This passion has taken me around the world, where I have worked with a variety of creatures — from endangered sea turtles in Bali, Indonesia, to&nbs...

Philanthropic Travel: Unveiling the Impact of Volunteer Tourism

One of the most compelling aspects of volunteer tourism is its profound impact on both travelers and the communities they serve. Beyond the tangible contributions — such as constructing schools or providing medical aid — the exchange of cultural knowledge and human connections forge bond...