Tag: Vocabulary

English Vocabulary: Terms for being Overprotective

We like to protect the ones we love. Parents in particular are protective of their children and try to avoid any harm from coming to them. However, if somebody tries to protect another person too much, i.e. being overprotective, this can also be detrimental. Photo by Marco Bianchett...

Is there any vocabulary app where you can save words you have searched?

Nischi.net is a free online resource for learning English. It offers a variety of tools and resources to help you improve your English skills, including: Whether you are reading NEWS online, reading PDFs or blogs, you may come across unfamiliar words. You can see the meaning of a word in the...

Vocabulary for English Learners: Jewellery

High-end or costume jewellery? When we think of jewellery, it often conjures thoughts of luxury, like expensive diamonds. 24 carat gold, etc. We can describe these types of expensive items as “high-end”. The term high-end can also be used for pricey products in general, such as clo...

English Vocabulary: Synonyms of Complain

We’re all human and let’s face it, there are many things in life which are frustrating and irritating. We all complain from time to time, about the weather, the traffic, our job, etc. Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash I’m going to give you some alternative te...

How to improve your English vocabulary easily.

Acquiring vocabulary is probably the essential thing foreign language learners should do. Not only because knowing a lot of words makes you sound smart but also because words and phrases are the building blocks of all languages. As you’ve probably read in my “How to form sentences&rdq...

English Learning: Vocabulary Retention

It’s useful to practise all of the four key skills to help with this (reading, writing, speaking and listening). The more you do all of these things, the more likely you are to come across certain vocabulary again and fix it in your memory. I’ve been teaching Engli...

GRE GREGMAT Vocabulary List Group 10

acumen — quickness and keenness in understanding and judgment acumen 2. antithesis — the direct opposite or contrast antithesis 3. ascribe — attribute or credit something to a particular cause or source (assign) Visit Now

Daily Use Vocabulary Words With Meaning

For A-Z English Study Material CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free App From Google Play Store. You can Learn English Listening, Reading Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Grammar using our free app. Apart from that we have 12 Lakh English Sentences Translated into 56 Languages. CLICK...

Using cue cards to build French vocabulary

Whenever I get a new student, one thing I always recommend is cue cards. Cue cards are an extremely useful tool when learning languages, and I use them myself all the time. They play an indispensable role in memorising new vocabulary. In my 3 Minute French courses, each lesson gives you a handful...

30+ Easy French Vocabulary For Family That You Must Know

Are you curious to know the French vocabulary for family? It’s handy to know what French words are used for family members. For example, it is common that during a conversation, you or the other person have to explain how many brothers and sisters you have or describe your family. This arti...

#1 Easy Guide To French Health Vocabulary

Oh no! You feel sick on holiday in France or another French nation. Don’t put off going to the clinic or hospital. Instead, learn basic French health vocabulary and phrases to get you through your visit stress-free. Remember, your health is the #1 most important thing even while on holiday!...

The Ultimate Vocabulary App with Grammar Cards to Improve Your German

The Vocabulary Challenge  We all know that expanding our vocabulary is crucial for language proficiency. But without understanding the grammar behind those words, we’re essentially trying to build a house without a foundation. That’s where this app shines — it doesn&r...

Software Engineering Vocabulary — Chinese/Mandarin

Due to recent work circumstances, I’ve been exposed heavily to reading documentation written in Chinese (中文文档). As someone who grew up in an English speaking household, despite being Chinese, the process of getting through just a single page document was not only agonizing slow but men...

Improve Your Chinese: Vocabulary Memory Hack

You have probably heard that to achieve a basic level of literacy in Mandarin Chinese, you need to know an obscene number of characters (between 2,500 and 3,000). Additionally, you will need to know thousands of words made from two or more of these characters. Add in a few hundred sentence patterns ...