Tag: Visual

Create Visual Studio Extensions With C#

Most of us use Visual Studio when programming in C#. You could also use Visual Studio Code, but I prefer Visual Studio. The latest version of Visual Studio is 2022 and the community version is free to use but misses a few unimportant functions. Although Visual Studio is packed with tools and options...

Visual Studio Code Extensions You NEED!

As a developer, you are always looking for ways to improve your workflow and increase your productivity. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that offers a wide range of features and extensions to help you take your coding to the next level. In this article, we will explore some of ...

Drawing the architecture with Draw.io and Visual Studio Code

Hello my fellowers, loooooong time no see. So I’m starting cloud architect role almost 3 years. One of the challenging thing is drawing the architecture and choosing the right tools for drawing it. First, … Let’s me introduce the Draw.io it free web-based diagram draw...

50+ Midjourney food prompts: Taste the visual magic!

Dive into Midjourney, a boundless realm brimming with inspiration. With meticulously chosen prompts, we transform this trove into a veritable feast of food concepts. And guess what? Some of these effects are so breathtaking, they’d seem impossible in our everyday world. This story isn&rsquo...

Adobe Firefly for Generating Visual Illustration?

As we recently wrote about on the blog here, legal concerns have created some uncertainty around whether popular image generation models like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, and Midjourney could be violating artists’ and creators’ copyright in the course of their training. Whether the fai...

3 Things To Know Before Taking On Visual Arts

After nearly two decades of painting, drawing, sketching, and creating artworks, visual arts is still something I consider to enjoy and would find the time in my life for occasionally. However only lately, have I come to realise that there are a lot of things I wish I’d known before startin...

How to Become an Indie Game Developer

Visual novels combine text, images, sound, and choices to create an immersive experience. They are popular in Japan and have a loyal fanbase around the world. I always liked visual novels and wanted to make one of my own. Inspired by watching Welcome to the NHK. In this blog post, I'm sh...

The Visual Summary — WWDC23 Part II: OS updates

In this second post of my Visual WWDC23 summary, we’ll go over all the OS updates Apple presented: iOS, watchOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS. If you like this overview, make sure to check out the other parts of The Visual Summary: Part I: Unveiling Apple Vision Pro Part III: Mac Updates...

A Visual Guide to Sed

While sd is a better alternative these days, learning sed has some advantages: It’s a standard UNIX tool, available everywhere. It shares syntax with vim’s command-mode. sed is based. However, mastering sed takes some time —&nb...

Use Podman with Visual Studio Code Docker Extension

One colleague that switched to Podman recently asked me if it is possible to use it with Visual Studio Code’s Docker extension. Out of the box it did not detect the presence of Podman’s Socket, which by the way, is compatible with the Docker CLI and hence also compatible with VS Code....

Programming with Kotlin in Visual Studio Code

Kotlin is all the rage now that it has been deemed a first-class programming language for developing Android apps. Actually, it’s been raging all on its own for a while now, as evidenced by the Stack Overflow Trends chart below. Kotlin Gains in Popularity (source:...

Why is it colder at higher elevations? A thorough and visual explanation.

The Internet should be a place where we can find good answers to basic scientific questions. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy. Consider the question, “Why is it colder at higher elevations?” It seems like you should be able to Google this and find a straightforward and enli...

Tips on designing inclusively for visual disabilities

In my article “The three levels of accessibility”, I mention the importance of designing for clarity and inclusivity. Not only to ensure everybody regardless of ability is able to access your site but so that developers can implement accessible code. I will be discussing the vari...

Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars!

YOLO — You Only Look Once is a family of one stage object detection algorithms. The algorithm works by dividing images into grids, and each grid detects and localizes the object it contains. It employs convolutional neural networks (CNN) as a backbone to detect objects in r...

Test Your Brain: Can You See These Visual Illusions?

The visual system is a complex apparatus through which living organisms absorb waves of light (photons) to interpret the physical world through the sense of sight. This system encompasses the eye, the retina, the optic nerve, the optic tract, and the visual cortex. The following informatio...

A Visual Learner’s Guide to Explain, Implement and Interpret Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

High-dimensional data is a common issue experienced in machine learning practices, as we typically feed a large amount of features for model training. This results in the caveat of models having less interpretability and higher complexity — also known as the curse of dimensionality. PCA can be...

Best Visual Aid For Pharma Company

The Power of Visual Aids in Pharma Marketing In an industry where conveying complex information is crucial, visual aids play a pivotal role in simplifying communication. Medical representatives often find themselves in situations where concise and engaging presentations can make all the...

The 6 Best Books on Visual Anthropology

Visual anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that focuses on the study of visual media, such as photography, film, and other forms of visual representation, as tools for understanding and interpreting cultures, societies, and human experiences. It explores the ways in which visual materials can...

How to Learn Spanish Faster With Visual Mnemonics

Introduction to Mnemonics and Language Learning Mnemonics capitalize on the brain’s natural ability to remember images, associations, and patterns. When applied to language learning, mnemonics can make the process more enjoyable and efficient. Let’s delve into how you can use mnemonic...