Tag: Victims

The Real Reason Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Come Forward

I close my eyes and let out a big sigh, in an attempt to empty the negative thoughts from my body. Maybe by doing so, I will somehow bring the positive energy in with my next breath. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking. “So what is wrong with it, give me the unfiltered and ugly truth&r...

The High Cost of Silence: Why Japan Shuts Up Victims of Sexual Abuse

Every Japanese person understands the wisdom of the three wise monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; if you can avoid seeing, listening, or speaking negative things, you can live in peace. Children are taken on school field trips to the Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō to see the pi...

Aid Campaign Launched in Istanbul to Help Moroccan Earthquake Victims

In a heartwarming display of international solidarity, an aid campaign has been initiated in Istanbul, Turkey, to provide support and relief to the victims of a recent earthquake in Morocco. This humanitarian effort exemplifies the power of compassion and cooperation in times of crisis. The ...

Who were they? Remembering the Turkey nightclub shooting victims

Around 600 people were celebrating the new year when a gunman stormed an Istanbul nightclub, killing 39. The club is known for drawing celebrities and guests from around the world. Let’s take a moment to remember some of the victims who died in the shooting. The list will be updated as more...

Distinguishing Victims and Perpetrators in Riots and Wars

Then, a communal riot breaks out. The passengers learn that a Muslim boy was recently killed in a nearby village, which made the Muslims retaliate. Now, a Hindu extremist group is on the lookout for Muslims. The bus is stranded due to blockades and a curfew. A group of extremists arrive at night and...

Women Are the Most Miserable Victims in Afghanistan

I knew my poor mother was really worried about my sister! I understood her feelings. On the other hand, I was burning for my sister. She is very young and deserves to go to school, university, and educational centers. However, all these opportunities have been taken from her because the Taliban clos...

Justice for Victims and Their Families

If asked to define what justice means to you, what would you say? To many people, justice is a product of a society that values fairness and fair treatment of everyone irrespective of their race, gender, or religion. Justice indicates that laws are applied equally to all, and indeed, justice is at t...

Republicans Are the Real Victims of White Privilege?

Apparently this is over refusing a Congressional subpoena, which Trump and his staff did. Actually, a few member of Rep. Mace’s own party did it. Beyond that though, what does she even MEAN here? Privilege over who exactly? When People of Color talk about that, they refer to people oppre...

Chapter 2: The epidemic’s innocent victims

The horror happened inside a Super 8 motel room on the edge of this once-proud manufacturing town that supplied Jeeps in World War II. A young mother and her 4-year-old son were living there with her boyfriend, paying by the day. It’s not unusual, according to the hotel’s long-time...