Tag: Venusian

A Venusian Capricorn New Moon

Upon first blush, Venus’s influences in this lunation aren’t apparent, especially since it’s taking place in Capricorn where the Moon is in exile and ruled by the malefics. But look closer and you’ll find the Sun and Moon unite in Venus’s bound, adding warmth and connec...

A Venusian Capricorn New Moon

Upon first blush, Venus’s influences in this lunation aren’t apparent, especially since it’s taking place in Capricorn where the Moon is in exile and ruled by the malefics. But look closer and you’ll find the Sun and Moon unite in Venus’s bound, adding warmth and connec...

Hathor or Venusian Starseeds: The Greats One’s of Many Names

This article will act as a didactic source that will examine the convergence points that are taking place at this time in two unlikely fields of modern science and spiritual philosophy. It will accomplish this by setting out to describe a new age spiritual movement known as the age of ascension into...