Tag: Vector

Your Product is an Abuse Vector

Outputs of the consumer Internet product development process are launched into consistently adversarial online environments. Products are often weaponized in ways their developers never imagined by highly-motivated adversaries who engage surprising creativity. Seemingly innocuous produc...

Explaining Vector Databases in 3 Levels of Difficulty

Vector databases have been getting a lot of attention recently, with many vector database startups raising millions in funding. Chances are you have probably already heard of them but didn’t really care about them until now —at least, that’s what I guess why you are here now&hel...

Explaining Vector Databases in 3 Levels of Difficulty

Vector databases have been getting a lot of attention recently, with many vector database startups raising millions in funding. Chances are you have probably already heard of them but didn’t really care about them until now —at least, that’s what I guess why you are here now&hel...

Explaining Vector Databases in 3 Levels of Difficulty

Vector databases have been getting a lot of attention recently, with many vector database startups raising millions in funding. Chances are you have probably already heard of them but didn’t really care about them until now —at least, that’s what I guess why you are here now&hel...

Drawing and editing geometries in XYZ’ dynamic vector tiles with OpenLayers 5.

I hope you find this article as a reference from some work I have done with WFS-T and Geoserver. I don’t really use Geoserver or WFS anymore while we build XYZ, the open source spatial data and application interface at GEOLYTIX. The implementation of dynamic vector tiles...

The Cognos 5: Bayesian & Frequentist Statistics and Support Vector Machines

Statistical inference is a crucial step in understanding the underlying properties of a distribution. There are two fundamental approaches to statistical inference, namely Bayesian and Frequentist statistics. With their unique philosophies and methodologies, they provide us with new frameworks for t...