Tag: various

It’s All About Community and Our Why

I’ve been labeled with various terms like crazy, stupid, and reckless, but those words have never deterred me. There’s a driving force within me that refuses to stop, regardless of the mounting obstacles in my path. Even when I was repeatedly told that certain things were beyond my re...

What are the various branches of chemistry?

Chemistry, an ever-evolving discipline, transcends mere study of substances and their transformations. It’s a realm where quantum electrodynamics and cryo-electron microscopy coalesce, offering insights into atomic and molecular intricacies. This article illuminates chemist...

A Quick Guide to Various Doses of LSD

My first acid trip was supposed to be a microdose rather than a trip, but I unintentionally took too much and ended up having to reschedule my entire day. Fortunately it ended up being a very pleasant experience that I’ll always remember fondly. But it just as easily could have gone sideways. ...

From Stocks to Exile: Discover the Various Punishments in British History

Ihad the rare experience of being summoned as a witness at a trial and being imprisoned for murder. Although it was part of a museum tour, the actors’ performances, surroundings, and props felt real. The different punishments that have been implemented in the history of the UK were intriguing....

Beauty on a Budget: Affordable Skincare Products That Work

Before we delve into the world of affordable skincare products, let’s first understand why skincare is essential. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and acts as a protective barrier against external elements such as pollution, UV rays, and bacteria. Maintaining healthy skin not only enh...

Medley Of Various Dialects Of Hindi

In India there are 52,83,47,193 native Hindi speakers, which includes those who speak different forms and dialects of Hindi like Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Bundelkhandi, Khari Boli, Magadhi, Marwari, amongst others[1]. Since the census recorded in 1971, the percentage of Hindi speakers in India has gone up f...