Tag: Validation

Architecting Validation Logic: A Java/Spring Boot Implementation in Clean Architecture

In the process of developing and implementing a new service/API, sometimes the question arises regarding where to place the validation logic. I will attempt to provide a perspective on its placement and provide an example of its implementation in Clean Architecture using Java/Spring Boot, utilizing ...

Validation Master Plan in Pharmaceuticals

Validation Master Plan (VMP) is very critical in the pharmaceutical industry as it gives documented evidence and explains the validation of all the activities involved in the manufacturing operation. Regulations are set by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) that all the pharmaceutical compani...

Worst-Case in Cleaning Validation: Understanding the Importance and Implications 1 Proven Safety

Cleaning validation is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries where cleanliness is essential for product safety and quality. It ensures that equipment and surfaces are effectively cleaned, removing residues from previous batches and minimizing the risk of cross-contam...