Tag: Upside

The Upside of Betrayal

When I was seven years old, Aunt Luba married her third husband. Alan was a well-regarded author, ten years younger than she. He was the scion of an old New England family, an Ivy League intellectual who was pals with literary stars and scholars. Luba was a sort of saloniste, collecting p...

The Upside of Bipolar — The Hidden Strength Within

Doomed for life When I was diagnosed with Bipolar, it felt like my life ended. It felt like I received a sign with the word Doomed in it. I felt like giving up on life. I never seemed to fit in. I looked through all closets at home when I was 7 years old, trying to find proof that I was adopte...

The least we can do is turn the org chart upside down

We are in the midst of a leadership crisis. The rational, ego-driven authority model of organizations that is based on ideas that are over a century old will not work anymore in the future. We can dive deep into this like I did in previous essays about a non-hierarchical leadership model o...

OCUGEN A Speculation And Risk Play For Huge Upside

Stock is trading near all-time lows as of 7/6/2020. Expansive gene therapy pipeline with FDA orphan designation of OCU400. Insider purchases in recent months and no reported sales. Discontinued phase trial of drug candidate OCU300. On June 1, the company discontinued their Phase 3 trial ...