Tag: Unpredictable

Navigating the Unpredictable World of Creativity: Lessons from a Full-time Writer

In the realm of creativity and self-employment, the journey is anything but predictable. As Yancey Strickler aptly put it, “Broadly, I am on the right path. I am doing intellectual work. I spend much of my time thinking and dreaming. Day to day, I’m all over the place.” This sentim...

Unpredictable Experiences: Living Unbelievably-The Catalyst

“You have chosen a different path.” I kept saying to myself, as I frustratedly packed the final items in my ridiculously large suitcases. I was totally unsure what I was doing at this juncture of my life. But at least I was feeling confident in the familiarity of that feeling, as no one ...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio

Moon transiting Scorpio, Saturday, January 6th, increases your determination to maintain a sense of control over your emotions or external situations in the middle of rapidly expanding and unpredictable energy which could cause you to think you are crazy, the other person is crazy, or the entire wor...