Tag: Unprecedented

We’re Entering A Time Of Quick And Unprecedented Change No One Is Ready For

About twenty-five hundred years ago a grouchy philosopher named Heraclitus is credited with saying Panta Rhei, or “life is flux.” By this he meant the only constant for humanity is change. Obviously, this ancient Greek was wise beyond his years. But even the far-th...

Jared Kushner Faces Unprecedented Scrutiny Over $2 Billion Saudi Deal

What’s good America?! Hold onto your seats, folks, because Jared Kushner just got hit with a political earthquake. Jamie Raskin, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, has formally requested that Chairman Comer issue a subpoena for all documents related to the staggering $2 billi...

“The GOP’s Unprecedented Shift: Examining the Pursuit of Power Over Principles”

The Republican Party (GOP), traditionally known for its conservative values and commitment to limited government, has undergone a profound transformation in recent years. This 3000-word essay critically analyzes the political trajectory of the GOP and the Republican National Committee (RNC), hi...