Kernighan and Pike were right: Do one thing, and do it well

In October 1984 two ideologues published a radical manifesto… sort of. Program Design in the UNIX Environment, by comp-sci legends Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, articulated a pattern for software architecture that both men had already spent years fighting to preserve.   Rob Pi...

A Visual Guide to Sed

While sd is a better alternative these days, learning sed has some advantages: It’s a standard UNIX tool, available everywhere. It shares syntax with vim’s command-mode. sed is based. However, mastering sed takes some time —&nb...

Unix/Linux: A Powerful and Versatile Operating System

Unix/Linux is a family… of open-source operating systems that are known for their stability, security, and flexibility. It’s widely used in servers, workstations, and personal computers. Unix/Linux could be considered one of the best operating systems for both beginners and exp...