Tag: Trying

Maybe You Should Stop Trying so Hard

Clinginess is about control. People who can’t let go of getting a specific outcome become clingy and overbearing. In their obsession to get a specific outcome, they drive away the thing they want. Maybe you’re not clingy in your relationships — that’s good. But how comfort...

Results From Trying Career Coaching for the First Time

If you’ve never tried career coaching before, it’s hard to know what to expect. And when you don’t know what to expect, it can feel scary to give career coaching a try. I get that! My name is Crystal Lee and I’ve been a career coach for over 10 years. I often hear peopl...

What Barbie Taught Me About Trying to Fit In

My father drove me to the toy store. Maybe that’s why the purchase was memorable. Mother time streamed by, punctuated by moods — hers and mine — that hung around like stubborn weather systems. But Dad time was an event. I was on my best behavior because I knew he would rather be do...