Tag: Transition

The Surprising Leader in the Electric Transition — Your Lawn Mower

While everyone has been focused on EVs coming into the automobile market, a preview of things to come can be seen in the buying trends for outdoor equipment — you know, things like lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chipper-shredders, snowblowers. Battery-powered electric machinery now accounts f...

What gender transition looks like for me

Its funny when you read people’s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our...

Trans economics: The cost of transition

When exclusionary feminists demand that we consider the kids and stop child mutilation, they forget that most trans adults have the similar narrative: they knew their gender identity from an early age and if they could have transitioned young they would have. That most trans folk do not is...

What gender transition looks like for me

Its funny when you read people’s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our...

Transition Doesn’t Just Happen to You, But to Everyone Around You

A lot of people who transition tend to forget that while this is a journey for you it’s also a journey for others around you. I’m not saying you should give into transphobia, that’s not what I’m saying in the slightest. I came out in 2013, right after band practice. I reme...

Alternate pathways to transition

The discourse surrounding transition usually centres on medical affirmation through hormone therapy and surgeries. Depending on when this is administered, the results will vary wildly. Before puberty it can work wonderfully. Afterwards? It’s anyone’s guess how it will turn out....

Transition Doesn’t Just Happen to You, But to Everyone Around You

I came out in 2013, right after band practice. I remember it very vividly: I had been dropping a few hints here and there, as if my mom would catch on, as if she just knew this was it… this was the day her child would come out to her. It was around nine p.m. on a Tuesday night. We got home, a...

A Step-by-Step to Transition to 3PLs

In today’s fast-paced business world, supply chain management plays a crucial role in determining a company’s success. Many companies are now turning to Third-Party Logistics (3PLs) providers to optimize their supply chain operations. Transitioning to 3PLs can be a daunting tas...