Tag: Tomorrow

Closed Loop Fashion: How the Products of Today can Become the Resources of Tomorrow

It is obvious now that we are not going to recycle our way out of the waste problem plaguing our planet and we cannot pull plastic and rubbish out of the oceans at the rate we are putting it in. Burying it in the ground is not a long-term solution and burning it is just plain wasteful — not to...

Jinsei Tsuji Sings To Propel Us Towards a Better Tomorrow

However, this time, I experienced ‘Jinsei Tsuji as a singer’ through a beautiful live concert. The message I received was that we all have our lives at the mercy of unwanted changes, including war and natural disasters, and that nevertheless, if we don’t dwell in despair, ther...

Re-imagine how we might live tomorrow

As more people move to urban in search of better lives, our cities will grow like never before. This is a huge challenge, however, most of the housing debates are narrowly focused on building more homes. As important as that is, we also need to think hard about potential ways of living so we can re-...

Tokyo: Where Tradition Meets the Marvels of Tomorrow

Tokyo preserves its historical roots with reverence while simultaneously standing as a leading center of modernity. The city’s traditional temples, historic markets, and gardens offer visitors a chance to delve into Japan’s rich culture. Places like the Meiji Shrine and Senso-ji Temple i...

The Rise of Sustainable Agriculture, The Way to Cultivate for Tomorrow

In a world grappling with the consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, the agricultural industry finds itself at the forefront of a crucial transformation. Sustainable agriculture, a practice that seeks to balance the needs of today without compromising the needs of tomorrow, ha...

Greening Tomorrow: Urgency in Adopting Global E-Waste Solutions

Due to the hazardous materials contained in discarded electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and appliances nearing the end of their useful life, e-waste poses a significant environmental threat. The increasing reliance on electronic devices fuels an increase in E-Waste, emphasising the cr...

Playing for tomorrow: the Revolutionary World(s) of DAB Inc.

 Step into the future with @GiveFi, the cutting-edge blockchain gaming framework developed by DAB Inc! Immerse yourself in Buccaneers of the Blockchain (BotB), a game built not only for entertainment (with actual reward value) but also to support disabled American ...

I Don’t Know What Tomorrow Will Bring

Response to a writing prompt from  J.M. Troppello I don’t know what’s around the bend I can’t see through to the end But I know who holds my hand As I walk on His road through the land. Website

The Myth of Tomorrow

He smiled the whole way and laughed at his own jokes. This guy volunteered a lot of details about his life, including the fact that I was sitting in his sometimes house. I learned that he and his (slightly) older wife also stay in a trailer parked on the property of an assisted living facility...

I Start IVF Tomorrow, Yet I’m Not Desperate to Be a Mother

When you think about a woman about to go through IVF, do you think of a desperate, miserable human? One who is ready to put her body through hell to get one? Do you expect women like this — like me — to be in a constant state of baby fever and either melt or cry at the sight of childr...

Embracing Sustainability: Transforming Today’s Supply Chains for Tomorrow

The concept of a green supply chain goes beyond mere environmental compliance. It’s about integrating eco-friendly practices throughout the lifecycle of a product — from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing, distribution, and eventual disposal or recycling. This shift is driven by a c...

Navigating Tomorrow: The Uncharted Terrain of Self-Driving Vehicles

The Possibilities: Imagine waking up on a Monday morning, sipping your coffee as your car autonomously pulls out of the driveway, seamlessly joining the flow of traffic. No more honking horns, road rage, or the stress of navigating rush-hour congestion. Instead, you’re free to catch up on e...

Advancing Tomorrow: Scania R Series 2023 — Redefining the Landscape of Heavy-Duty Transport

I. Introduction: Scania R Series 2023 — A Visionary Leap in Transport Evolution In 2023, Scania proudly presents the R Series, signaling a visionary leap forward in heavy-duty transport. This section explores the innovative features, cutting-edge technologies, and the profound impact of the...

What will we say tomorrow?

Columbine occurred the year after I graduated from college. Less than a year later, I decided to become an educator. I started student teaching in 2001, just a few days before September 11th. Since then I have taught through Sandy Hook, and Parkland, and Uvalde, and all the others. Each year we hold...

I Knew My Mom Was Going to Die. That Didn’t Make The Loss Any Easier.

I was 1,300 miles away from home when I found out my mom died. Motivated by the freedom that came with college graduation, I’d moved across the country from Minnesota to Texas for an internship. My mom and I hadn’t been in much contact for a few months, since my therapist encouraged me t...

Sustainable Fashion: Redefining Style for a Greener Tomorrow

In recent years, a powerful movement has emerged within the fashion industry — a movement that transcends trends and embraces a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach. Sustainable fashion, once a niche concept, is now gaining momentum as consumers and industry leaders alike recognize the ...