Tag: Tokens

Auditor’s Notes: Tokens, EIP-712 & Meta-Transactions

Greetings dear readers! Looking at this month’s never-ending hacks, one wonders why they happen so frequently. Have audit firms actually gotten worse at what they do? This, in my opinion, is not the case; yet, the topic is rather tricky because you can, in certain ways, ...

$100 Airdrop — Get free tokens Just by whitelisting

“100% Airdrop: Get Free Tokens Just by Whitelisting,” has raised eyebrows within the crypto community. In this comprehensive analysis, we unravel the details surrounding this airdrop and provide insights into its legitimacy and potential risks. The Temptation of Free Tokens Airdrop...

How MEGA engineered its iOS design tokens module

Introduction Here at MEGA, in order to build a consistent UI experience throughout all of our products on different platforms (Android, desktop, iOS, and our websites) it became clear that we needed to create a robust, consistent, and sustainable design system for our codebase. With that goal ...