Tag: Tides

Navigating the Tides: Your Essential Guide to Mortgage and Real Estate Trends for the Week of December 18, 2023

Rate sheets today were slightly worse than Friday, but not by a significant margin. We’ve noticed that the market rally seems to have stalled, and while the reprice risk for the day remains low, we’re not expecting any major shake-ups due to the economic calendar or current headlines. ...

Romance for Capricorn in 2024: Navigating the Tides of Love

For Capricorns, 2024 is a year of embracing change, seeking deeper connections, and enjoying the stability and pleasures that come with mature, evolved relationships. Whether single or in a partnership, the stars align to offer profound learning experiences and opportunities for growth in the realm ...

What causes tides in the ocean?

Tides in the ocean are primarily caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and, to a lesser extent, the gravitational pull of the sun. The interaction of these gravitational forces with the Earth's oceans results in the cyclical rise and fall of sea levels known as tides. The moon's gr...