Tag: Tell

Bear With Me, I Want To Tell You Something

Ifirst heard the poem back in 2006. It was read aloud on the radio by a famous performer who has since lost favor in the eyes of the literati, so he shall remain nameless. I was struck by the simplicity of it at the time. The vivid detail and the raw emotion commanded you to stop and listen. It remi...

The Tell-Tale Coat

Gloria moans as the realisation dawns on her — it’s her head. The Buzzing is her head. What, for all that is good and holy, did she get up to last night? Slowly creeping a shaking hand out from under the covers, Gloria feels for a glass of water, anything, to help subdue the pounding in ...

When The Story Of A Violin and A Cello Tell The Story Of Music Through The Ages

JOAN ZOROA OLIVELLA is a very, very busy man. Getting hold of him for an interview is nigh-on impossible, but when I do finally get hold of him, he is grace and manners itself, apologising profusely in his soothing Catalan accent for missing my calls, as though he feels very guilty for keeping me wa...

What does Judaism tell its followers about war and people who are not Jews?

Judaism is a multifaceted and profound religious heritage that encompasses diverse doctrines on the topic of warfare and interfaith connections. To claim that Judaism advocates for cruel behavior towards non-Jews would be an erroneous assertion. In reality, Judaism places great emphasis on the value...

Tell a Story Instead of Just Showing the Data

If you are not from Baltimore, you might wonder what is going on and why the number and rate of homicides jumps in 2015. You might not know of the daily shootings and almost daily homicides that happen in Baltimore. And you might not know that crime in Baltimore is concentrated in the most disadvant...

Help! Please check my Spanish and tell me my score!!

I learnt seven new Spanish words today in my Duolingo course. These words were vaso, leche, manzana, agua, naranja, restuarante, pagar I want to quickly test my knowledge without opening the Duolingo app and Google. No help whatsoever. I am attempting now to make a short sentence in Spanish out o...