Tag: Telescopes

Scientist Develops Technology To Make Space Telescopes 866% More Sensitive Than JWST

We are living in an era of unprecedented scientific discovery powered by mega space telescopes. Hubble, Kepler and JWST have enabled astronomers to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before and have helped us gleam astonishing levels of detail from some of the universe’s most mysterious obj...

Ask Ethan: What could an array of space telescopes find?

Out there in the deep, dark recesses of space are mysteries just waiting to be discovered. While the advances we’ve made in telescopes, optics, instrumentation, and photon efficiency have brought us unprecedented views of what’s out there, arguably our largest advances have come from goi...

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

The European Space Agency’s latest space telescope, orbiting near the James Webb Space Telescope, just released its first full-color images. One image in particular has already been described as a “revolution for astronomy.” Concept art of Euclid in space surrounded by galax...