Tag: Telescope

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

One of Euclid’s main mission objectives is to create a 3D map of the Universe, with time being the third dimension. When we look at distant objects in space, we are not just looking far away, but back in time. This is because despite seeming to appear instantaneously, even light has a limit to...

Your Birthday Image from the Hubble Telescope

As of 2023, the Hubble Space Telescope continues to carry out its very important scientific work, trying to find answers to the most important questions we ask. The Hubble features a 2.4-metre (7-foot-10-inch) mirror that captures extremely high-resolution images. It has five main instruments tha...

New Space Telescope Releases Its First Images

Named after the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, who is considered the “father of geometry,” Euclid was given this name because “the density of matter and energy is linked to the geometry of the universe” according to the European Space Agency. ESA’s Eucli...

James Web Telescope New Discoveries That Will Shock You

The James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful observatory ever built, continues to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos. Since its deployment in 2021, Webb has unveiled a treasure trove of discoveries, each pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. Peering into a Stellar Graveyard:&nb...

How to build the larger than Extremely Large Telescope directly in Space to see if there is a Life

I was at the NASA Visitors Space Center in Florida recently. They are a lot of very interesting assets to experience the first hand. I was impressed by the size of the Space shuttle. It was much larger than it seems to be on the images. We could see the model of Hubble Space telescope...