Tag: Teachings

Focus on the Teachings!

Bhante Dikshabhoomi is a Theravada monk from Nagpur in Maharashtra. Since 2018 he has travelled throughout India spreading the message of Universal Compassion and Free Tibet. Bhante was born into a Buddhist family in the Mahar caste. He became a monk in 2016 and is now part of Samata Sainik Dal, ...

Navigating Toxic Relationships with Buddhist Teachings

I am writing this article because yesterday I had the honor of speaking on Dr. Jennifer Todd's Podcast “Women’s Empowerment Power Hour.” The more we were talking, the more I was feeling how much this type of awareness is needed in the world. Today I would love to see this to...

The Wisdom Teachings of My Cat

Like many of you, I talk to my cat every day. Like a much smaller number of you, I hear my cat talking back. Our conversations are usually of the mundane, everyday sort, with him saying stuff like: “How ya doing? Yeah, whatever, I gotta go take a nap,” “What do ya m...

As Far As Science Will Go, It Will Only Meet Sanatan Dharma’s Teachings

Religion and science typically do not mix. Religious individuals have been disparaged by scientists, and vice versa. Although some people may not consider religion to be “logical,” Hinduism includes science at its core. Consequently, several scientists have been affected (positively) by ...

Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) According to Islamic Teachings

Yajuj and Majuj, also known as Gog and Magog, are mentioned in the Quran and Hadith as two powerful and destructive tribes that will appear before the Day of Judgment. The story of Yajuj and Majuj is a significant part of Islamic eschatology and has been a subject of debate and speculation for centu...

Cleanliness is one of the fundamental teachings of Islam

Cleanliness is an integral part of Islam, and it is considered one of the fundamental teachings of the religion. In Islam, cleanliness is not just limited to the physical body, but it also extends to the environment and personal hygiene. The teachings of Islam emphasize the importance of cleanlin...

Why Ban “Divisive” Teachings While Protecting Divisive Confederate Monuments?

In a previous article, I compared recent attempts by conservative legislatures to pass laws prohibiting the teaching of American history that emphasizes the systemic oppression of Black people by white people to attempts by American anti-abolitionists to limit the dissemination of abolitionist teach...

The Central Teachings of Mysticism

One reason I like to talk about mysticism is that talking weird gets me high: the air gets like thick yellow jelly, you know, and everyone’s part of the jelly-vibe jelly-space jelly-time . . . All is One. That’s the main teaching, that’s the so-called secret of life. It’s ...

Hypercube as an Invitation to Expand Awareness: 4D Vedanta Teachings by Adi Shankara

Intrigued by Vismaya’s call? Immerse yourself in its wonder! Read on to unlock new perspectives and ignite your journey of discovery! As a seeker of meaning and a lover of knowledge, I am constantly on the lookout for information that can broaden my perspective and deepen my understanding o...