Tag: Tamil

A Tamil sailor (and pirate?) in Gold Rush San Francisco

If South Asians are included in California history textbooks, their stories typically begin in 1965, or sometimes with Punjabi immigrants of the 1900s. While older stories exist, it’s rare to find actual names and details. That’s why I was so thrilled to discover a two-part 1893 San...

The Case with Tamil Fractions

It is tough to carve your way out of the noise and distraction of internet. These distractions can prove to be costly, in terms of time, money and energy. But sometimes these distractions can land you in places that you don’t regret. Which is what happened to me when I came to know about Tam...

Family relationships in Hindi and Tamil

Around a month back, I decided I would improve my productivity on this “learning in public” front by lowering my threshold for what I can publish, and by learning whatever is convenient in that moment. The result of that decision is this first topic that I am publishing on. Amongst the v...