Tag: Systems

Relational Database Systems Are Becoming A Problem — But What To Do About It?

My relationship with relational databases relates back to the late 90s. It was part of my first steps with computers and programming, became an essential part of my formal education and studies as a software engineer and constantly followed me through my professional career. I almost crawled through...

Relational Database Systems Are Becoming A Problem — But What To Do About It?

My relationship with relational databases relates back to the late 90s. It was part of my first steps with computers and programming, became an essential part of my formal education and studies as a software engineer and constantly followed me through my professional career. I almost crawled through...

Algorithms you need to know before you take that Systems Design Interview

While scouring my LinkedIn feed for non-cringe posts, I came across this infographic that talks about different algorithms and their use-cases. Like the title suggests, I figured I should know what these algos are and where/how they are used. I haven’t really had a systems design interview bef...

Blockchain Solutions for Next-Gen ERP Systems

Over the years, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have played a crucial role in optimizing business processes and centralizing data from different departments. Despite their benefits, traditional ERP systems encounter obstacles concerning data security, integrity, and transparency. To addre...

Relational Database Systems Are Becoming A Problem — But What To Do About It?

My relationship with relational databases relates back to the late 90s. It was part of my first steps with computers and programming, became an essential part of my formal education and studies as a software engineer and constantly followed me through my professional career. I almost crawled through...

Time-management systems are a waste of time without managing your energy

I’ve always been obsessed with using my time in the best way possible. I’ve tried many time-management systems and failed at all of them. So, I dug for answers to why I was such a failure. After searching the internet for some time, I finally found something that clicked with me: ...

Developing Systems Thinking Competencies

Summary: Here, we develop competencies for effective systems thinking. Let’s explore these competencies using stories that illustrate their significance. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Is there a specific order for learning about Systems Thinking and Pattern Aware Leadership (PAL) methods? ...

Interference : Phaust’s Visual Ode to Pure Generative Systems

Interference is a series of 236 abstract patterns and color palettes that we feel like we have seen before. The shapes are familiar and organic. The risograph printing technique reminds us of mass-produced leaflets and flyers. The works are joyous and easy on the eye. Hiding just beneath the...

New Illustration Libraries, Design Systems, and UI Kits

On to our second Toolbox digest of the year, and we’ve got some exciting new tools for you. June was high on free illustration libraries, proving that this trend is here to stay. But we’ve also got amazing UI kits, incredible design system resources, and much more in the bag. Che...

Creating Modular Powerup Systems

Generally, video games include more than one powerup in them; and the game I’m working on is no exception. When making these, you can create a script for each powerup or we can do something else. Each powerup will be doing the same thing, as far as the behavior is concerned, but will give the ...

The Best Game Systems: A Comprehensive Overview

In the world of gaming, the choices seem endless. From PC gaming to consoles, and even mobile devices, there’s a gaming platform for every taste and preference. However, when it comes to the best game systems, a few platforms stand out as the cream of the crop. In this article, we’ll tak...

Creating Modular PowerUp Systems

I love games with PowerUps! Let’s take a look at a way to create a modular PowerUp system in Unity. In our example game we’ve created a PowerUp script to handle the behavior for a TripleShot PowerUp. The PowerUp has a chance to drop after an enemy is destroyed, it moseys along in spac...

A Tale of Two Progression Systems

Sony’s springtime releases these last two years have been massive, successful video games. Last year’s Horizon: Zero Dawn from Guerrilla Studios and this year’s God of War from Sony Santa Monica both feature player progression in the form of player levels and ot...

AWS: Implementation of EC2 instances using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager

In this post, you will read how I implemented a set of EC2 instances using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager configuration with AWS SNS for automated installation of security officers. Implementation of the day In this real-world project, I took on the role of a DevSecOps Engineer an...

Axiomatic and Brain-sized Coding in Swift for Creating Systems of Any Scale

In math and logic, an axiom is a statement that can be considered true without further proving. 2 + 2 = 4 is an axiom. As is the fact that every natural number n has a successor n+1. “Axiomatic Codes” feature such statements as well. Any user interaction or any other change goes throu...

Behind Your Screen: Unveiling the World of Operating Systems

At the heart of every computer lies an operating system (OS) — a software bridge that facilitates communication between hardware and the user. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, OSs have become indispensable, governing everything from personal laptops to massive data centers....

Scott Road is the worst, but what else is to be said about the SkyTrain and West Coast Express systems?

As mentioned in the original piece, this was a super-scientific Internet poll where there was absolutely no bias and everyone knows what they are doing. One big thing: no station tied. I did vote in every poll and would have removed myself or gotten someone to break it had it occurred. There w...

Scott Road is the worst, but what else is to be said about the SkyTrain and West Coast Express systems?

As mentioned in the original piece, this was a super-scientific Internet poll where there was absolutely no bias and everyone knows what they are doing. One big thing: no station tied. I did vote in every poll and would have removed myself or gotten someone to break it had it occurred. There w...

Do Birds Have Ears: Melodic Secrets of Avian Auditory Systems

Birds possess ears, although their ear structure differs from humans and other mammals. Bird ears are tunnel-like openings behind their eyes instead of external earlobes like ours. The openings are protected by feather-covered flaps called auriculars. It helps to direct sound into the ear while safe...

We Need A System for Systems Change

We are beginning to see an increasing number of organisations adopt a ‘systems change’ lens. However, there is limited conversation between these various systems change players, which in some ways can be counterproductive because of a lack of understanding of how different systems change...

On Funding Systems Change: How philanthropy can amplify its impact by strategically partnering with other forms of capital

Most of the societal problems philanthropy cares about — poverty, racial discrimination, climate change, biodiversity loss, and other forms of social inequity and environmental degradation — are complex systemic challenges. To make meaningful headway in addressing these issues, i...

I Was Trans in an LGBT-Unfriendly School System

People always talk about how they’re shocked when partners, friends, or colleagues come out as trans. Maybe it’s because I’m trans/non-binary myself, but I’ve never been surprised. A lot of friends come out to me. When people tell me they’re trans or LGBTQIA, I just ...

The Sun: Our Solar System’s Life-Giving Star

The Sun, a fiery ball of plasma and energy, is the center of our solar system and the source of all life on Earth. Its immense gravitational pull keeps planets in orbit and its radiant heat drives weather patterns and sustains the delicate balance of our ecosystem. A Glimpse Inside the Sun&rsq...

Why our Prison systems are broken and doing more harm than good

Prisons are notorious for being cruel and punishing, justified by the people contained inside of them, ranging from their criminal activity and cruel past. The philosophy goes that since Criminals have broken the law they should not be trusted with rights, and therefore be stripped of their freedom ...

Russian Utilities and Food System

It seems Russia is having a problem. And it is a severe problem. One that could lead to Russians missing the good old days before sanctions. I think Vladimir Putin is starting to understand this. Because these electric grid disasters are not happening in distant Kamchatka or Kherson (they are also.)...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Steering the Future of Automotive Systems

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are not just buzzwords. They’re powerful technologies that have a significant impact on the automotive industry. From predictive maintenance to autonomous driving, AI and ML have the potential to make our roads safer, our drives more enjoyable, and ...

Transport Management Systems (TMS)

The Role of Transportation Management Systems (TMS) In the ever-evolving world of logistics and transportation, Transportation Management Systems (TMS) are emerging as a driving force in transforming business operations. These systems provide an effective technological solution to tackle the ever...

Why do Americans hate parliamentary systems?

In most cases, this is a direct election by the people; in the case of the United States, presidential elections are technically indirect. It’s widely understood, however, that the evolved version of the Electoral College system gives results that are mostly the same as a direct popular vote. ...


The Punjab elections gave India its most successful political startup, making its supremo Arvind Kejriwal one of the most influential and powerful people in India, leaving behind its opponents, clearly becoming the only one to be at least on the same track on its march to the finish line of the 2024...

Where is the Edge of the Solar System?

Many people think there are eight planets in the Solar System, and the dwarf planet Pluto. This is true, of course, but the Solar System does not end there. Beyond Pluto’s orbit, many exciting objects are scattered throughout space all the way to the very edge of the Solar System. Therefore, i...

The Sun: Our Solar System’s Life-Giving Star

The Sun, a fiery ball of plasma and energy, is the center of our solar system and the source of all life on Earth. Its immense gravitational pull keeps planets in orbit and its radiant heat drives weather patterns and sustains the delicate balance of our ecosystem. A Glimpse Inside the Sun&rsq...

Is the Economic System Incompatible with Climate Action?

Many years ago, I was working in a junior position at a global information services provider. It was a few afters after the Y2K hype had died down and my task was to convert hard copy manuals into electronic versions. Naturally, this had to be done via software and on one particular day, it cause...

Ecosystems: What’s Ecological Systems Theory

Ecological Systems Theory (EST) stands as a foundational framework in ecology, offering a holistic perspective on the intricate interplay between organisms and their environments. Developed by renowned psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner, EST posits that individuals are deeply influenced by the various...

Exploring Antifragility: Is Microbiome Diversity the Key to Resilient Living Systems?

In a recent exploration of Nassim Taleb’s influential book “Antifragile,” I was struck by a particularly resonant concept: the necessity of instability for long-term stability in systems. Taleb’s insight is that the true antithesis of fragility isn’t robustness or stabi...

Quantum Field Theory: Dynamics of Quantum Systems

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) stands as one of the cornerstones of modern theoretical physics, providing a powerful framework for describing the dynamics of quantum systems at both the microscopic and cosmic scales. Developed to reconcile quantum mechanics with special relativity, QFT extends the princ...

Quantum Computer Systems Design

Resource States in Quantum Computing Resource states are fundamental in quantum computing, acting as the foundation upon which quantum operations are built and executed. Characterized by their quantum entanglement, these states enable phenomena such as superposition and interference, which are es...

The Lagrangian Approach to Solving Mechanical Systems

Ina previous article, I discussed a few basic concepts regarding the Lagrangian approach to classical mechanics, including constraints, generalized coordinates, virtual work, etc. Further, I also listed some limitations that make the Newtonian approach sorely incompetent for systems that deviat...

Coordinate Systems and Analytical Geometry (AI’s Insights on Mathematics #4–3)

In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Coordinate Systems and Analytical Geometry. As we journey deeper into the heart of geometry, it becomes crucial to structure and organize our understanding of shapes and spaces in a systematic way. This is where coordinate systems come int...

AI systems as Common Good for Communities

Imagine an AI system that authentically embodies the collective intelligence, history and aspirations of a small community, whether online or offline. A system that can quickly synthesise data from multiple sources, also understanding the unique culture, challenges and strengths that arise from the ...

A brief history of sizing systems

The fashion and retail industry has come a long way to make the shopping experience as convenient as it is today, but there’s one area where things seem to only get more confusing as time goes on — sizing. All these numbers and letters that are supposed to make it easier to find an outfi...