Tag: Strings

Java 21 So How Should We Construct Strings Now?

Java 21 brings in a lot of cool features, and one of them is the String Templates. While it serves more purposes than just classic String interpolation, for us Java developers, it’s yet another way to concatenate Strings in a “proper” way. What is proper, though? I pok...

Quick Tip: Use Node to Create Random Strings

How many times have you worked on an application and you needed a random alpha-numeric string? Did you try to provide a list of numbers and characters in a string and pass in a length to randomly generate a string with a loop? Using Node.js, this can be a lot simpler. You just need to use the&nbs...

Stop Using Python Strings To Represent File Paths!

We probably learn to deal with files and file paths pretty early on in our Python journey. We might use a string folder/subfolder/subsubfolder to represent a certain filepath. I still use normal Python strings to build these filepaths until recently. But, working with large enterprise P...

String Theory in Three Minutes

20th-century physics says everything is made up of point particles with a bunch of different properties. But where do these properties come from and where does gravity fit in? Particle physics is a bit of a misnomer — modern understanding suggests these particles are excitations i...

String Theory in Three Minutes

20th-century physics says everything is made up of point particles with a bunch of different properties. But where do these properties come from and where does gravity fit in? Particle physics is a bit of a misnomer — modern understanding suggests these particles are excitations i...