Tag: Storyteller

15 Must-Read Books That Will Make You An Outstanding Storyteller

Imagine a Eurasian steppe with a few trees and a fire in between. You are sitting at the fire, looking into the bright light as you feel the heat of the fire on your face. As you look up, the sky is filled with tens of thousands of stars. (Not the actual campfire on the Eurasian steppe) Yo...

The Storyteller Technique

Even games have a voice. When you sit down and read a tabletop RPG, the game itself speaks to you. The choice you make around narration heavily informs how people learn and play the game. Dungeons & Dragons has an anthropological voice, picking at pieces of the world the way a colonize...

BORN TO DO IT: Molecular Storyteller

What does the natal birth chart of a Molecular Storyteller look like? We’ll take a look into the “Earth instructions” of Chemistry Educator Dr. Colleen Kelley who’s on a mission to make chemistry A LOT more fun to learn: one lesson at a time! What’s chemistry? ...

Storyteller Tactics Review: The Rule of Three

One of the oldest and most effective laws of storytelling is to take three swings at your topic. The first one is a miss, the second fouls off, the third sails away over the bleachers. You know the deal. Three wishes, three little pigs, three bears, three wise men. As a photographer, I fo...