Tag: Storing

Different Ways of Storing Data in the Browser

Web applications often require some form of data storage to function effectively. In some cases, this data needs to persist between different user sessions, while at other times it needs to be kept only while the page is loaded. Several options are available for storing data directly in the user&...

Storing Terraform State in Gitlab

Storing Terraform state in Gitlab is not much different then storing in AWS, Lets make changes for storing state in Gitlab Create a project “Terraform” in Gitlab also note project id, which is 1 in my case Update Terraform code Generate Personal Access Token form ...

Storing Electricity On The Grid Is Part Of Climate Short List

We’re also going to transmit more electricity further through high-voltage direct current transmission lines, which enable much more energy to flow with much lower losses. Continent-scale and larger interconnections are being built globally, linking Morocco to the U.K., Israel to Greece, ASEAN...