Tag: Storage

The Mystery of ‘Other’ Storage on Your iPhone: What Is It and How to Clear It?

The iPhone is pretty amazing, but it has its quirks. One that I’ve often bumped into is that mysterious ‘Other’ storage. You’ve probably seen it too. You clean up your photos and apps, but somehow, you still get that annoying “Storage Almost Full” alert. So,...

How to search logs in cloud storage using cloudgrep

Cloudgrep is a command-line tool that allows you to search cloud storage for log files. It currently supports searching log files, optionally compressed with gzip (.gz) or zip (.zip), in AWS S3, Azure Storage, or Google Cloud Storage. The tool is written in Python and is available on GitHub und...

Data Storage Decisions: Partitioning vs Z-Ordering

When we’re handling big data, efficiently storing it is an important task. If we’re not careful, we could encounter issues like slow query performance, increased storage costs, difficult data management, poor scalability, and more. The way data is laid out across storage systems directly...

Data Storage in PySpark: save vs saveAsTable

When it comes to saving DataFrames in PySpark, the choice between ‘save’ and ‘saveAsTable’ is more significant than it might initially appear. Although they perform similar tasks—saving your DataFrame to a location—these methods are quite different. This article d...

Mounting Azure Blob Storage in Databricks

Introduction: In the world of data analytics and machine learning, Azure Databricks stands as a powerful tool to harness the capabilities of Apache Spark. One common requirement in such data projects is accessing and working with data stored in Azure Blob Storage. In this blog post, we’ll exp...

Preserving Art and Culture: The Imperative of Decentralized Storage

Steadfast in its mission to preserve humanity’s most important information, Filecoin Foundation is working with the Museum of Crypto Art (M○C△) whose own mission is to preserve the story of crypto art. There are thousands of artworks, NFTs, and collections in the Museum that are st...