Tag: Stigma

How to Be Strategic — Part I

The Stigma Around Strategy When I say the word “strategy”… what comes to mind? For many, the word conjures up imagery of a tense boardroom full of important people and high-powered leadership debates about “one-way door” choices: Entering a new market, buyin...

The Solar Stigma

Well, for starters, solar has a stigma. Believe it or not, the solar energy industry has been leaving a bad taste in homeowners’ mouths. From expensive prices to uncertain return on investment, going solar seems more like a burden, especially on your wallet, than an effort to become more susta...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: stigma and bias (key no11)

If we’re aiming to lead with an open mind, it’s crucial that we stay alert to the subtle ways biases and stigmas about disabilities can shape our actions — from who we bring on board to how we connect as a team daily. Since such obstacles can kill the inclusivity vibe of even the m...

How Fear of Stigma Rules Your Life When You’re Invisibly Disabled, Queer and Poor

When you read the word “disability”, what comes to mind? If it’s an image of a wheelchair user then you’re probably not alone. The portrayal of disability as something which is both physically embodied and immediately visible is encoded in our cultural representa...

The Stigma Surrounding Schizophrenia

There’s been an unfortunate lack of understanding about schizophrenia in our society, which has caused a negative stigma surrounding it. This makes it hard for people living with the illness to get the help and support they need. In this blog article, we’re going dive into the symptom...

Autism is not the problem, the stigma and lack of support is

I had a floating moment that hitting my head into a wall would have felt better than that moment. You are going to tell me about autism, eh? About my and my family’s first hand experience? If you have run into this too, it’s almost an internal debate. Is it worth explaining? Do I...

I’m Not Prepared to Handle the Stigma

It’s one thing to admit that you go to a therapist for help to handle all of your emotional shit. It’s quite another to own up to the fact that you spent 45 days in an inpatient treatment facility. It’s admitting that you are a whole other level of crazy. Even though my stint in...

The Stigma of ‘Skinny’

I couldn’t help but be thrown off by that and wonder what he could have meant. I wish to remember where I read this article or who wrote it so I could question him on this statement. Unfortunately, I needed time to gather my thoughts and ended up closing out before saving the story. I...